Sunday, July 24, 2011

I have not written on this thing in forever.
Anyways, I have been painting. a lot. muchos. like the dickens.
some of my favorites include:
Blue jay! XD
raccoon (watercolor pencils, but oh well)
more coming!

Monday, July 5, 2010


I just got back home from Carmel. Every time we go, one of the six of us seems to get an injury. This time, my shoulder got injured in a weird way, and my brother broke a filling off his tooth.
Fortunately, neither of these got in the way of hiking and other fun activities that we do every year.

I started classifying galaxies at, which is really cool considering how most of the galaxies have never been seen before. They're very noisy and faint, unlike the samples on the training page.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Skull!!!!!!
I found a skull in the mountains. The front part is missing, as well as the lower jaw. I think it's a squirrel, but I can't tell.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


oh, goody. a waterfall.

This is the hamster. Literally.
(Her name is The Hamster De La Muerte!)

yay I got a book signed by Brandon Sanderson, and apparently, I'm not crapaflapnasti.

I recommend Alcatraz.

I broke my friend temporarily.

I also am Mokona Go at